Heat Level: Mild: These tips are beginner-friendly.
Bottom Line: Unless your business runs solely on referrals, you’re probably doing some sort of marketing. And if you’re marketing, you need to have a functional website.
To Do: Get serious about your site! Perform a website audit and look for things like:
Mobile friendliness
Easy to use for clients
Easy to use for staff
Current and correct information
Buyers, sellers, and agents alike rely on mobile-friendly websites to explore the world of real estate.Websites have long been seen as the main pillar of digital marketing. All other online marketing, from paid ads on Google to social media, centers on using a website as the foundation.
In today’s online-first market, brokers and agents benefit from having a current, useful website. The value of your site goes way beyond your digital-only efforts. Today we’re discussing why websites have become the cornerstone of all other marketing efforts - digital or otherwise - and how both buyers and real estate pros have shaped the crucial role sites now fill.
Buyer behaviors online speak volumes to the importance of having a functional website. According to the National Association of Realtors, 95% of all buyers cite websites as a main source of information during the homebuying process. That number jumps to 99% when looking at Millennial buyers...who now make up 66% of all first-time home buyers. In fact, 56% of all Millennial buyers said they found their home on the internet. As more and more Millennials turn an eye towards home ownership, websites are becoming the go-to house hunting method.
It’s also worth examining how buyers are using sites to get information during the search process. Some 72% of buyers reportedly used mobile devices to browse sites during their search. Of those mobile users, 58% of them ultimately found their home via a mobile device and 14% found their agent. This means that having a site isn’t enough - the site also needs to be mobile friendly.
Buyers also cited numerous different useful features they used during their search. The top three favorite features were:
Photos, cited by 89%
Detailed information about properties, cited by 85%
Virtual tours, cited by 50%
The simple fact is that buyers want to look online first and foremost, before speaking to an agent or setting up a tour. With this level of focus online, neglecting your site becomes a fundamental problem. And websites aren’t just crucial to buyers anymore either...
Brokers and agents also rely more and more on digital platforms for all aspects of their businesses. The same NAR report found that 93% of all real estate firms have a website, a total that jumps to 99% when looking at firms with five or more offices. The most common feature across all real estate sites was the ability to show property listings, with 95% of sites including it.
As agents find new ways to promote themselves and their business, social media and other digital outlets are also becoming more important. In fact, 77% of NAR professionals reported having at least one social media account. The number one use for social media was to share listings...which means sharing links to a site. While agents can share links from sites like Zillow, having a dedicated company website with property listings ensures means that potential buyers can learn about things like your firm and the agent who shared it as well as the listing itself. In other words, the main way agents use social media only works properly if you have a website.
At the end of the day, real estate is an industry wholly dependant on staying ahead of client needs and expectations. With the vast majority of buyers heading online for some part of their buying process, having a website isn’t just a good idea; it’s critical.